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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-09-14 23:58:02 +0000

Bush pros

1) Court reform: I think rladew has convince me that the Bush/Cheney ticket will more likely lead to tort reform and lawsuit caps. Regulation is not the GOP's strong point, which could make this even better. This is not a huge issue for me, but it would lower the cost of car insurance and healthcare...

2) Unemployment benfits: My inner raving capitalist comes out. I like the fact unemployment benefits have been cut by about 15%. I've never gone on the dole and never plan to....

3) Laura Bush's literacy campaign. So much better than "Just say No" (which scarred me for life), and also better than Teresa Heinz's well meaning but unfocused millionaire philantropy.

Posted by on 2004-09-15 21:05:49 +0000
hey, I fell asleep on this thread....

Its gonna be a tough election. There are so many things to talk about...

Posted by on 2004-09-16 13:56:32 +0000
1) Court reform: I think rladew has convince me that the Bush/Cheney ticket will more likely lead to tort reform and lawsuit caps. Regulation is not the GOP's strong point, which could make this even better. This is not a huge issue for me, but it would lower the cost of car insurance and healthcare...
I'm not convinced that lawsuits are the primary driver of cost in either the insurance or the healthcare industries.

3) Laura Bush's literacy campaign. So much better than "Just say No" (which scarred me for life), and also better than Teresa Heinz's well meaning but unfocused millionaire philantropy.
I'm not sure it's unfocused, they seem to be targeted at helping Philadelphia school children. It's goals are a bit fuzzy/liberal I guess, but the foundations she manages usually link grant money with hard deliverables, a very Right sorta thing.

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