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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2004-09-15 00:08:49 +0000

less villification

Listened to a great This American Life over the weekend. If you think that a) NPR only gives voice to ranting leftist hootenany and/or b) the Republican Party is in lock-step with the President, check it out:


Posted by on 2004-09-15 00:35:14 +0000
Again, some argue that NPR is right of center....

Posted by on 2004-09-15 02:16:17 +0000
I think they strive for fairness to both sides, remember the week-long homage to Ronald Reagan? I consider the BBC and NPR as straight news outlets.

Here's what I thought of the show:
I was reminded that each party has members with differing views, particularly on the abortion issue. The thought that the (R) party is the one that actually had the "big tent" gave me pause. It was refreshing to hear about those from the religious right oppose the closed and secretive nature of this Administration. I really do think the future of the Republican party is with pro-Gay, pro-Abortion, less-Fundamentalist, back to (hopeful honest) business candidates.

Posted by on 2004-09-15 18:43:11 +0000
Again, some argue that NPR is right of center....
To use your phrase Dawn, "this Is a Joke, Right?"

I know they are 2 seperate entities (mediums), but isnt there some relationship between NPR and PBS? If not Im not sure why I had that stuck in my head.

A while ago, I read in the globe about how PBS is getting some flak for having some non screaming liberals on staff such as :


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered
In a series designed to bring fresh, provocative voices to public television, Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered encompasses a wide range of issues and views, but its core is Tucker Carlson, the independent-minded writer and television commentator.

A regular on CNN's Crossfire, Carlson combines a conservative and libertarian take on the news with a wry skepticism and unconventional opinions. This program showcases his view of the world — as well as the perspectives of key newsmakers and commentators that run the gamut of the political spectrum — to get at the underlying (and often unspoken) issues behind the news.

Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered examines subjects that affect how Americans live their lives, covering topics and trends that are political, social, and cultural. Each episode opens with Carlson's commentary on an issue that piques his interest and concludes with a conversation with a noted author or social thinker. Joined by contributors from across the political spectrum, Carlson leads a spirited discussion on the American scene. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

He sometimes raises some interesting points, but I'm gonna agree with my Dad here, sometimes its creepy to trust people who wear bowties all the time. I dont know what the source is, but someone, from what I understand anyway, did a study on this where people saw bow-tie wearers as less trustworthy (take that Pee Wee, colonel sanders and Farrakhan!)and came to the same conclusion. Most politicians wont wear bowties, I've noticed. Not sure if its related to thjis or not.

Posted by on 2004-09-15 19:17:18 +0000
Dawn's opinion is that she finds the coverage to be too right-wing for her tastes. That seems reasonable to me.

I know they are 2 seperate entities (mediums), but isnt there some relationship between NPR and PBS? If not Im not sure why I had that stuck in my head.
They're both public broadcasting entities, that's about it, as far as I can tell. WBUR and WUNH are probably more related than "NPR" and "PBS".

He sometimes raises some interesting points, but I'm gonna agree with my Dad here, sometimes its creepy to trust people who wear bowties all the time. I dont know what the source is, but someone, from what I understand anyway, did a study on this where people saw bow-tie wearers as less trustworthy (take that Pee Wee, colonel sanders and Farrakhan!)and came to the same conclusion. Most politicians wont wear bowties, I've noticed. Not sure if its related to thjis or not.
Maybe you're thinking of that scene from Mamet's "State and Main" where the country doctor describes how neckties are meant to accentuate the phallus, so why would you trust someone with a bowtie? A direct quote of that scene would be nice.

Either of you two _listen_ to it yet? I was hoping to have a discussion of the broadcast, not another old, tired rant about where each news outlet stands on the political spectrum. Can we agree that it's relative to the viewer? Arguing about the politics of the news source is boring, sorry.

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