2008 Resolutions I've begun
This morning I walked around my neighborhood around 7am. It was very brisk out, but managed to work up a sweat under my three layers! Feel very accomplished. Hoping for a repeat performance again tomorrow. Sick of my pants not closing.
- If taste is important, then it's okay to have a delicious soda pop (like with dinner, or if I've got a hankering for cream soda). If I'm just quaffing liquid because I'm thirsty, then it's water.
- What, you just made some fresh-baked cookies? Why sure, I'll have one. But, no more eating an entire tray of Vienna Fingers at one sitting. And no more devouring a hamburger-sized whoopie pie to pass the time between periods at the hockey game.
Also: more walking! My walks usually end at a restaurant, though. Perhaps that's counterproductive.
Absolutely not! The walk to the restaurant often makes the difference between feeling 'peckish' and 'really hungry.' And being truly hungry makes food taste better. And on the way home, a leisurely post-dinner stroll is one of life's great pleasures.
Furthermore, your other options of getting to/from the restaurant are TRULY counterproductive.
Not sure that we'll be walking all that much when you and your mom are here in Feb.
For me, tommy is like a omniscent being that presides everywhere. Sayin'
New: finish this one article that has been kicking my ass, start two new projects.
Soon: When I get back from New Orleans, abstain from drinking and eating at restaurants for a month, as well as cooking meat at home. Might allow myself one beer a day or something like that, not sure.
I'll be beginning my Lenten regime on 2/6, folowing the same plan as last year, no more than one drink a day. Not exactly a New Year's resolution, since it only lasts 40 days.
On the walk, though, there was lots of wind. The nasty storms that blew through the midwest yesterday are here today. As I was headed home, a very big part of a very big tree came crashing down across the street. It was amazing. I hear the crack of the wood, and turned in time to see the whole thing. It was amazing. Afterwards I avoided walking under the branches that looked a little more worn than others.
good for you on the pants front though.
I think I know a bar that may have both silver and sly foxes. Then again, I don't really like the idea of being either a bunny or a hound. Or an English duchess on a thoroughbred. Johdpurs do nothing for me.
So goes the life of a desk jockey!