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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2008-01-15 03:12:48 +0000

Marc Ambinder is not Charlie Rose

<a href="http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid711933027/bctid1377890375">here</a>

Keep working at it Atlantic, as much as I like Yglesias (and to some extent Douthat), this doesn't seem to be the best format.

<a href="http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/01/the_table_sexism_and_raceeism.php">Great comment here</a>, three white guys talking about sexism and racism. Welcome to the 21st century.

Posted by tgl on 2008-01-15 03:13:41 +0000
The head turn at the front is pretty OK.

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