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i ride sideways
Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-01-17 19:02:20 +0000

if not for you...

Every so often Huzb gets nostalgic and starts playing songs he remembers from his youth, a lot of which were huge hits in the UK and never made it across the pond. Most of this, as you'd imagine, is utter sh*t. But some of it is actually pretty good. And hell, if Rory can post multiple Asia videos - of the SAME SONG - I sure as shootin' can get away with this. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you English Top Forty of the '70's.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-01-17 22:32:29 +0000
If it's any consolation, The Gecko sings bullshit hit songs from her youth that never crossed the pond (thank god). Like Dollar, f'r example...

Posted by cdubrocker on 2008-01-18 13:29:50 +0000
One of many reasons to love the 80s. Fantastical.

Posted by G lib on 2008-01-18 19:07:06 +0000
This song SHREDS! I particularly like the consta-Krottch shot.

Posted by G lib on 2008-01-18 19:10:55 +0000
Pamsterdam, you just made my day. That 5000 Volts video is the best thing ever. Especially when the guys start singing...

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-01-18 19:23:07 +0000
I wish I could find the footage of them doing that song where the mustache man looks totally hot. It's like he's making love to the camera. When he lip-synchs "mama, I'm doctor kiss kiss" I totally believe him.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-01-19 10:43:56 +0000
Alright, in the interest of fair and impartial reporting... ...I used to put on my Wonder Woman underoos, tie a pair of my mother's pantyhose around my head (I had a Dorothy Hamill pixie hairdo) and pretend to be the lead Solid Gold dancer (the black woman with super-long hair and super-duper-long legs).

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