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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by G lib on 2008-01-23 14:47:56 +0000

This is a personal message for MF DU.

You will get clearance for March 22. The BTO is playing "Cross Pollenization" at the Piano Factory in the South end. From last year's Phoenix article: What’s more, the shows are free, so you can come and go as you wish, but Donoso encourages you to “come prepared for a full seven hours of experimental music. There will be a short intermission about halfway through, so people can tear their eyes out, get some food, or just take a break from the music — really, it can get pretty intense.”

Posted by MF DU on 2008-01-25 04:08:10 +0000
I will get clearance. I will take you to Jabba now.

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