R.E.M. Immersion #3 -- "Reckoning" (1984)
<img src ="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/78/REM_Reckoning_cover.jpg/200px-REM_Reckoning_cover.jpg">
Record is <a href ="http://www.sendspace.com/file/m1uywk"> here. </a>
Released April 9/16 1984 on IRS Records
#27, Billboard Album Chart 1984
#91, UK album chart 1984
Perfect pop song. And Mike Mills' heavily accented backing vocals are priceless - my first exposure to Southern pronunciation, having grown up in a household which collectively despises country music.
<strong>7 Chinese Bros.</strong>
Always cheers me up. She will return.
<strong>So. Central Rain</strong>
Lyrically always brings me down. But the bass line. The freaking bass line!
<strong>Pretty Pursuasion</strong>
Sounds like a Velvet Underground cover.
<strong>Time After Time (Annelise)</strong>
I'll be honest - not my favorite song.
<strong>Second Guessing</strong>
<strong>Letter Never Sent</strong>
Love love love this song.
Why I like Bill Berry so much.
<strong>(Don't Go Back To) Rockville</strong>
My all-time favorite REM song. Have you heard the version Mike Mills sings? He only started singing his own lyrics a few years back I think. Um, like ten. I'm old.
<strong>Little America</strong>
Fantastic. Full, no doubt, of in-jokes I don't understand - which I guess is part of the appeal. Jefferson, I think we're lost.
The lyrics on this one get "in the way" for me. "The smell of sweet short-haired boy woman offers pull up a seat"??? Michael, you gotta mumble that shit!
Not to pick on this one too much. It's still very good. Its best songs are awesome: Rockville, So. Central Rain, Pretty Persuasion are all beautiful songs. Harborcoat and Second Guessing are pretty damn good, too.
'Time after Time' was my least favorite song!"