R.E.M. Immersion #5 --"Lifes Rich Pageant" (1986)
<img src ="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6c/LifesRichPCover.jpg/200px-LifesRichPCover.jpg">
Record is <a href ="http://www.sendspace.com/file/yc1af7"> here. </a>
Released 28 July 1986 on IRS Records.
#21 Billboard / # 43 UK Album Chart
'Fall On Me' #94, Billboard Single
Might be in the top 5 albums of '86.
<strong>Begin the Begin</strong> - love the murder shoes bit and the Cole Porter nod.
<strong>These Days</strong> - a glimpse of a very angry young Stipe.
<strong>Fall on Me</strong> - again, the Mike Mills back-ups vocals are charming beyond all comprehension.
<strong>Cuyahoga</strong> - good for long reflective car rides to nowhere.
<strong>Hyena</strong> - eh.
<strong>Underneath the Bunker</strong> - um... southern-fried They Might Be Giants.
<strong>The Flowers of Guatemala</strong> - see Cuyahoga.
<strong>I Believe</strong> - sing along with this song at the top of your lungs about 10 times in a row. Repeat until you either pass out or take over the world.
<strong>What If We Give It Away?</strong> - see Cuyahoga.
<strong>Just a Touch</strong> - see Hyena.
<strong>Swan Swan H</strong> - redeemed by the use of the word "hurrah".
<strong>Superman</strong> - my absolute favorite song on this album, and my second favorite REM song. You don't really love that guy you make it with now do you? I know you don't love that guy 'cause I can see right through you. Hot freaking damn.
I'd actually assumed it was a Mills lyric. I stand corrected - but I still freaking love the song.