Wakefield in relief:
Posted by tendiamonds on 2008-02-27 21:15:14 +0000
LLLL: For the record <a href="http://www.google.com/search?aq=f&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_en___US215&q=site%3Awww.baseball-reference.com+%2B%22B+Colon%22+%2B%22T+Wakefield%22+%2B%22%3E+Boxes%22&btnG=Search">this google search</a> will find all games in which two players appeared. (You have to change the two players, I have provided the Colon/Wakefield example) It's not interesting except for starting pitchers, I don't think.
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-02-28 07:22:22 +0000
I was at the 9.14.03 CHW 7 (Buerhrle) Sox 2 (Burkett)
and at the 9.15.03. Sox 8 (Lowe) Tampa 2 (De La Sosa).
I love Bartolo, BTW, and I hope he pulls it all together this year.
I have really fond memories of a Colon/Wakefield game at Fenway in 2004. Average pitch speed was 30 MPH difference.
-Yankees can't stop Sox' mighty Colon
-Colon holding his weight
What else?
Wakefield in relief:
and at the 9.15.03. Sox 8 (Lowe) Tampa 2 (De La Sosa).
Yeah. I'm never going to pronounce it right the first time.