Nels Cline on Saturday Night Live 03/01/08
and this band he plays for - you may have heard of them - they are called Wilco.
Also, there is a free <a href="">webcast</a> of the show they are playing tonight in Washington D.C.
Face ripping avant garde shredsters making their mark on national television makes me smile. Who knows if the skits will be funny - probably not...
Wilco did 'Hate It Here' showcasing the horn arrangement they used from last Wedneday's NPR.ORG webcast from DC as well as 'Walken'. HIH is probably my fave from Wilco's new album, and while I like the arrangement on the record a bit more, I did enjoy Saturday's version.
Tweedy's Elvis-like jacket was a hoot.
I guess I'd give the first few skits and the Wilco stuff a B+. I had a hard time paying attention to the Juno star and some of the sketches. The Peter Pan one was terrible.