Saw one Harley, one BMW outside of Skampa this evening. I didn't catch the model, on my return from the video store, they were gone. Looked like an RT1000 or something....
Posted by on 2004-09-18 02:14:43 +0000
tax money hard at work.....
Posted by on 2004-09-18 04:43:08 +0000
Remember in the 70's and early 80's, when NH cops drove Volvos?
Posted by on 2004-09-18 15:49:29 +0000
I only remember Volvos in use by Bartlett, NH
Harley or BMW, a police issue bike is going to cost ~$15,000. The BMW is going to have better gas mileage and handling, too.
Posted by on 2004-09-20 10:33:50 +0000
C'Mon Guys... Lighten Up! Terry starts mentioning Harleys and BMWs in the midst of all of our political tax threads... I couldn't resist.... I dont know a G'dam thing about bikes anyhoo... at first I thought the original post meant the boys in blue were riding BMW cruisers (which would certainly b more than 15K). Its a good thing I can go back, read the posts a second time and realize what a jackass I am (Stupid Edit Function D'oh! It's Gone!)
Posted by on 2004-09-20 17:18:15 +0000
Lighten up, Rich! This is clearly a drunk dialin' post... However, I should note that I completely agree with your sentiment that it is my tax dollars at work.
Well, at least the working motorcycle, two cops chowing pizza at Skampa is another story.
Posted by on 2004-09-20 20:59:48 +0000
Funny because my favorite Harley Davidson is the police bike. Quieter, nice riding position, and I would guess decent durability. MPG probably ain't as good as the Bavarian's though....
Posted by on 2004-09-20 21:24:29 +0000
Compared to other Harleys, I'd assume it was quieter, better riding postion, durable, so forth. I think it's gotta be deficient in all these categories against any other bike.
Maybe the BMW is overpriced as well. Cops should ride Hondas.
How much does a tricked out Crown Vic go for these days?
Posted by on 2004-09-21 12:56:36 +0000
A police package Nazi-Bike is going to be cheaper than a Jingoistic Only-Good-Reason-To-Buy-It-Is-Its-American POS. It's also going to have all of those MPG, riding position, blah blah blah... Where it really pays off is, The PPBMW is probably good for more miles than the doughnut huffer sitting on it, whereas the HOG is probably good for one year, maybe two of police usage (read: abuse, they get lots of hours a day, and lots of idle time... idling is bad for air cooled engines, no, wait, there's a PP BMW K Bike, but alas, K Bikes Suck)
You could probably get more bang for your buck out of a ricey police bike, but I've only seen Kawis, and, although they are nice, they are only going to exceed the HOG durability by a fraction. Honda would be nice, and has the durability of a Beemer, but they don't really have an applicable bike (all are too big or too small... why did they abandon the Pacific Coast?) and, alas, if they did have one, it would be in the same price range as the Beemer.
If you want an American PP Bike (you damned flag waver) coax Polaris into making one. You'll get somewhere between Kawi and Honda on price and performance.
Posted by on 2004-09-21 13:41:08 +0000
I'd agree with almost all of that, except for the idling part. At least in Cambridge, I don't see police bikes sitting and idling too much. Even in the winter. The Harley's they have now don't seem to be that new, so, I'd give more than a year for durability.
That's one thing about Cambridge bike cops, they ride in the winter, which is rad.
Harley or BMW, a police issue bike is going to cost ~$15,000. The BMW is going to have better gas mileage and handling, too.
Well, at least the working motorcycle, two cops chowing pizza at Skampa is another story.
Maybe the BMW is overpriced as well. Cops should ride Hondas.
How much does a tricked out Crown Vic go for these days?
You could probably get more bang for your buck out of a ricey police bike, but I've only seen Kawis, and, although they are nice, they are only going to exceed the HOG durability by a fraction. Honda would be nice, and has the durability of a Beemer, but they don't really have an applicable bike (all are too big or too small... why did they abandon the Pacific Coast?) and, alas, if they did have one, it would be in the same price range as the Beemer.
If you want an American PP Bike (you damned flag waver) coax Polaris into making one. You'll get somewhere between Kawi and Honda on price and performance.
That's one thing about Cambridge bike cops, they ride in the winter, which is rad.