Terry: check the reference to Anthrax. I'm not willing to let this Anthrax thing go yet.
Their effects are still all around us! Scott Ian (The freaky goateed one) weighing in on important matters on VH1's I Love The 80's! The bassist now in Helmet! Among The Living! I'm The Man! I'm So Bad I Should Be In Detention! SHUT UP!
uggh back to bed. Maddy will only take like 4oz (not 40 like I'd hope) in REGULAR 2 hour intervals......
Posted by on 2004-09-20 16:46:38 +0000
I've been musunderestimated as an Anthrax fan! ...and as a thrash fan.
I'm sorry I wrongly appropriated the flat and nebulous thrash genre label. When listening to Neurosis "Pain of Mind", I thought it was a good descriptor.
Guess not.
Posted by on 2004-09-20 17:24:43 +0000
I am Just kidding Terry .. the shut up part is Anthrax lyrics, which I forgot to mention or denote before...
Posted by on 2004-09-20 17:33:35 +0000
I got that part... What was the contention about Anthrax? That the "thrash" label is an inappropriate label?
I take 40oz. in regular 2 hour intervals.
Posted by on 2004-09-20 18:14:18 +0000
nahhh it was just pop about the "um, Anthrax" thing which shamed me into looking at how dorky (but yet totally fun for some reason) it is to like Anthrax...
Their effects are still all around us! Scott Ian (The freaky goateed one) weighing in on important matters on VH1's I Love The 80's! The bassist now in Helmet! Among The Living! I'm The Man! I'm So Bad I Should Be In Detention! SHUT UP!
uggh back to bed. Maddy will only take like 4oz (not 40 like I'd hope) in REGULAR 2 hour intervals......
I'm sorry I wrongly appropriated the flat and nebulous thrash genre label. When listening to Neurosis "Pain of Mind", I thought it was a good descriptor.
Guess not.
I take 40oz. in regular 2 hour intervals.