Yankees suck!
<a href="http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2008/05/06/sox_yankee_rivalry_cited_in_nh_fatality/">Evil Yankees Fan Runs Over, Kills Innocent Red Sox Fan</a>.
Only in Nashua?
The culprit:
<img src="http://www.wmur.com/2008/0502/16139757_240X180.jpg"></src>
it's fucking professional sports. people take this shit waaaayyyyy too seriously. and c'mon, nobody deserves to have a car driven into them, but nobody needs to chant "YANKEES SUCK" when not at a yankee's game. there is blame enough for everybody here. this story makes me fucking sick. since the sox have started winning championships, i've seen a proliferation of "RED SOX ARE MY LIFE" pinheads (usually identified by the pink or camo hats). it seems like a lot of people have nothing else going for them and they want to hitch their wagon to a winner. maybe people will realize that the SAWX or the YANKS should NOT be how people identify themselves. it's a GAME. A GAME. this is just the most extreme example of people taking the rivalry way too personally. i feel like a fucking soccer fan now.
I mean for Nomar's+ sake, I saw some heated words exchanged at a Red Sox/Mets* game last night!
I'm going to invent some soma to be mixed into sports fields' fertilizer and will waft gently into the air when things get heated.
But seriously, lately I've been hating the chinzification of MA/ New England culture.
Like those stupid Makah's Maaakh ads on the T? They're offensive. First off, you're fron Kentucky? WHAT, DO YOU THINK YOU SOUND LIKE WALTER CRONHKITE, DUDE GUY! And Jesus, if you're going to try to make a joke about our accent, AT LEAST SPELL IT CORRECTLY! Makah is pronounced like Maccaw, not Maykah.
But I'm probably sensitive about it because I wasted 3 hours of my life going to <a href="http://www.comedywedding.com/">"Joey and Maria's Comedy Italian Wedding"</a>** for my (ps chinese and irish/scottish) cousin's bachelorette party the other week. I want my 3 hours back.
Maybe I need some soma.
+this was a joke
*yes, it was little league.
**I should have known it was going to be bad because it was done in a bar in Southie.