Sparkling Water and Beer
Yeah I know it sounds like a beer spritzer but it is pretty good. You take a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and top it off with a good italian frizzante fizzy water seltzer drink. ahhh refreshing. I read about it while getting my tires fixed if that makes it any more manly.
If you were fixing your own tires, yes. But as you were sitting your pansy ass in waiting room reading Martha Stuart while some burly muscle-bound oil-stained man fixed your tires for you, hells no.
I declare a 'Jihad' on that beverage. Starting now.
First "shandy" I ever had was with Amstel Light and Sprite.
However, I <i>had</i> had similar beverages years earlier in Germany and Austria. There, they're called "Radler," which I believe is German for "bicyclist"--the idea being, I guess, that when you're on a cycling on a hot day you need the hydration and refreshment more than you need the buzz.