would you like some skinny APC jeans?
<i>for someone with a 29 inch waist. they were my little bros. they are BRAND NEW. they don't fit him so he's never worn them. Cost $160 new. Looking for, oh, say, $130.</i>
Read responses here: <a href="http://www.lemmingtrail.com/mb/134152/">at the Lemmingrail Chat Board.</a>
I don't know if anyone will find this funny besides me.
But I was intrigued (and startled) that the (presumably male) posters seem to equate skinny legs with girly-men. Weird.
Hm. I might have to rewrite the entire song in praise of skinny legs.
This board is about half rockers and half hipsters.
That bsullivan kid is (obviously) one of the hipsters, and is adored by all of the hipster girls, because he wears fancy clothes and fancy hair, and talks/cares about these things. He has no problem with telling anyone how much he pays for clothes, and where to find sales on expensive hipster things. He goes to law school.
All of the Massachusetts dude-guy rockers think he's from outer space. I imagine all of them looking/acting like Roadsteamer when they come across his posts. Or a group in the pool room at Ralph's. As in, so completely foreign it's incredible.
And yet both groups occupy the same online space, and probably some of the same space IRL. (The Model, the Swillhouette, the Middle East, etc.). However, IRL, most of these kids stick to their own kind and don't have the chance to have this kind of interaction. I love to watch it on this message board, a kind of jockying for online space.
Lemme think about this more.
Present company excluded, rideside isn't exactly a hotbed of original analysis and thought nowadays. Most of it is re-posting and linking.
What's the difference if the content comes messageboard rather than a blog?
When it comes to biking, community gardening, finding swimming holes, shows we're playing, places to go camping, rock in boston threads, and I've even PM'd a lady who turns out to be a friend of MF DU's.
Just because I don't get involved in some stupid rock vs. hipster boy fight about designer jeans doesn't make me a creep. It makes me smart. And cheap, I guess, because I can't imagine spending nearly $200 on jeans.
I'm sorry you don't think this is as interesting as I do, sociologically, and you don't like my analysis of the situation, but I still can't see there's anything wrong with it.
And who doesn't fish for responses or discussions on rideside, even on topics that might not be of interest to too many others on rideside?
Don't ask me how I know this.
<img src="http://www.worth1000.com/entries/119000/119101EKMJ_w.jpg">
Maybe drink some kava-kava tea and chill out. We're all friends here.
That being said, I expressly avoid most brands with obvious logos. Which is related to the image I want to project and wanting to fit into my own peer group.