L: Yep - it's <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080520/ap_on_go_co/kennedy_tumor">the same kind</a>. And as he's <a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/20/kennedy.tumor/index.html">being treated at Mass General</a>, I bet his surgeon's the same one too (said to be the best in NE).
Wonkette has <a href="http://wonkette.com/392171/ted-kennedy-has-lived-for-hundreds-of-years">a witty little article and a YouTube link</a>, in which Teddy rocks a rather chic swimsuit. Very "Gladiators".
Posted by G lib on 2008-05-21 10:43:33 +0000
I'm deluding myself into thinking that he can be fixed.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-05-21 11:56:11 +0000
If his tumor's inoperable (which it sounds as if it is), he won't live to see the elections. Glioblastoma multiforme is a bitch.
Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-05-21 12:07:40 +0000
The Metro was the most dour this morning: "Months to live"
Wonkette has <a href="http://wonkette.com/392171/ted-kennedy-has-lived-for-hundreds-of-years">a witty little article and a YouTube link</a>, in which Teddy rocks a rather chic swimsuit. Very "Gladiators".