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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2004-09-21 05:58:37 +0000

Neurosis takes over.

Yes! Let's only discuss Neurosis from here on. There is no room for anything else.

I listened to "A Sun That Never Sets" today after work (Lara wasn't home).

My favorite lyrics:

"The blood that flows through me is not my own." A Sun That Never Sets
"Falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. (...)" Falling Unknown

Posted by on 2004-09-21 10:06:53 +0000
Holy Shit! That's my favorite part on that too!

I like playing this really LOUD in my car. things that have well-miked drums have always been of premium importance to me.

When was the last time Neurosis played around here? ISIS? These 2 bands have well miked drums...

Posted by on 2004-09-21 18:23:22 +0000
Neurosis hasn't played here in a few years. We should go on a field trip whenever they come around.

Anyone hear the Neurosis/Jarboe thing?

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