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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by rladew on 2004-09-21 10:13:22 +0000

London Calling Redux


If this comes anyone's way, please do tell what you think of it....

Posted by on 2004-09-21 18:21:58 +0000
I am so broke right now, and there's all this stuff coming out that sounds good.

Posted by on 2004-09-21 19:06:40 +0000
ditto. George Lucas has to wait to get more of my $$$ as I catch up with rent daycare, etcetc etc.

Posted by on 2004-09-21 19:35:12 +0000
I will be purchasing the new Green Day however....

Posted by on 2004-09-22 03:00:12 +0000
True that.

Posted by on 2004-09-22 04:14:55 +0000
saw the green day today. I havent been following the Green Day saga: what's the scoop?

Posted by on 2004-09-22 05:08:21 +0000
2 words: Rock Opera

Posted by on 2004-09-22 13:19:12 +0000
I know, but whats yr impression? Is it Green Day style opera or does they music stray from the pop punk format? I have been out of Green Day land since dookie so I need a little guidance here... I did see the limited hardcover of this last night on sale @ Best Buy while Jackie and are were looking at Stoves (the new place's kitchen needs to be souped up a bit: all we have right now is a sink), it made me curious, but I wanted to hear other impressions...

Posted by on 2004-09-22 14:19:33 +0000
Isn't that a James Brown song... "Hot Platin'! Beratin!"

Posted by on 2004-09-22 17:32:01 +0000
I have yet to hear the record, but I guess that it's all pretty much withing the formula. 'Warning' was the furthest they've strayed, and that was just because of production.

Posted by on 2004-09-23 18:46:11 +0000
Oo, there are a lot of goodies on the '95 concept album "Insomniac." (yes it's about not sleeping, pill popping, touring, your first all-nighter when you were 13...)

Geek stink breath
Brain stewed
Bab's Uvula who?

putting it in right now...

Posted by on 2004-09-23 18:53:42 +0000
That record is also a response to their sudden fame.

Posted by on 2004-09-23 20:18:49 +0000
I was obsessed with Green Day ~ 6months in 1994. I still have the slap happy and the dookie, are you guys recommending Insomniac as the next step, or should I disregard the evolutionary history and skip to the end of the book and get A. Idiot ???

Posted by on 2004-09-23 20:26:01 +0000
Does anyone have the new one yet?

Posted by on 2004-09-24 00:55:01 +0000
I think all the albums have been very good, with the exception of 'Warning,' which was a little too countrified for my taste.

Posted by on 2004-09-27 16:52:23 +0000
Back to The Clash: Got the 2Xcd 1 DVD London Calling this weekend. Haven't even got it out of shrinkwrap yet... I'll give you the lowdown soon. packaging is cool. it's very similar to a lot of those "deluxe packages Geffen / MCA uses (I'm thinking specificly of Weezer's Blue Album, Sonic Youth's Dirty, The Who's Tommy and who's Next, Marvin Gaye, elton John etc etc....

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