No New York
The Contortions are easily the best thing on here. This shit fucking rules and then some. For those who are in the know: do I delver further into the James Chance camp, or am I all set with these four?
Still unsold on MARS and D.N.A. Teenage Jesus and the Jerks (great name) seems a little too punk by-the-numbers for me.
Glenn Branca isn't represented at all. Neither is Rhys Chatham.
D.N.A. changed when they became a three-piece....again, worth checking out.
as far as Chance recommendations: I know nothing past the No New York Comp.
Have you looked into the Soul Jazz label? they have a comp called <a href="">New York Noise</a> that's supposed to be killer. I have yet to meet a <a href="">Soul Jazz</a> comp that lacks.
Word of warning, though: shit is all UK imports. Not cheap.
But I have a beef with people like Arto Lindsay. He sounds like one of these guys who was just content with coming up with his own way of playing. Don'tcha hafta know what the rules are before ya break 'em? And don't get me started with Locus Solus. We all know John Zorn knows damn well how to play and write music, so that just makes Linsday a coattail rider.
Lindsay wasn't riding coattails -- he was playing with a bunch of people who were essentially fucking around and playing to other people who were, too. If Eno hadn't happened along, no one would even care.