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tome cusp
Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-06 11:18:59 +0000

End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday June 5th 2008 8:00-10:00pm

End of Radio - Thursday, 2008-06-05, 08:00:00-10:00:00

* denotes a request, # denotes a new release

Time Played - Artist - Song Title - Album Title - Label
#20:00:30 - Steinski - Jazz - What Does It All Mean? - Illegal Art
20:06:31 - Pookey Blow - Get Up (And Go To School) - The Third Unheard Connecticut Hip-Hop - Stones Throw
20:14:11 - Afrika Bambaataa - Renegades of Funk - Looking For The Perfect Beat - Tommy Boy
20:21:44 - Golden Palominos - Clean Plate - s/t - Celluloid
20:29:25 - John Zorn / Robert Quine /et. al - The Good The Bad and The Ugly - Filmworks vol 1 - Elektra Nonesuch / Tzadik
20:30:22 - Richard Hell & The Voidoids - Blank Generation - Blank Generation - Sire / Warner Bros.
#20:32:17 - The Breeders - Walk It Off - Mountain Battles - 4AD
20:41:50 - Shellac - Jailbreak - AC/DC Sides 1-4 - Skin Graft
#20:42:21 - Mission of Burma - Secrets - Vs. - Ace of Hearts / MAtador
20:45:58 - Qui - Today, Gestation - Today, Gestation - Infrasonic
20:55:02 - Gang of Four - Cheeseburger - Hard / Solid Gold - Wounded Bird
20:56:03 - Jawbreaker - Condition Oakland - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy - Tupelo /The Communion Label
21:04:54 - Q and Not U - Soft Pyramids - Different Damage - Dischord
21:09:20 - Jello Biafra & The Melvins - Dawn Of The Locusts - Never Breathe What You Can't See - Alternative Tentacles
21:26:56 - The Ex - Town Of Stone - Dizzy Spells - Touch and Go
21:27:23 - Shocking Blue - Love Buzz - At Home - Repertoire
#21:28:02 - Dark Meat - Angel of Meth - Universal Indians - Vice Records
21:32:31 - Carlos Santana - A Love Supreme - Divine Light Reconstruction & Mix Translation: Bill Laswell - Columbia / Legacy
21:38:41 - Otomo Yoshihide - Lonely Woman - Guitar Solo performed by Otomo Yoshihide - Doubt Music
21:57:23 - Spring Heel Jack - Lit - Amassed - Thirsty Ear

Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-06-06 15:09:03 +0000
Great set list, (as always). I used to have that Santana - A Love Supreme record, and that was some wigged out hippy dippy shit. I got over it quick. Hello, Ramones.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-06-06 16:39:07 +0000
Nice Dark Meat sighting! FWIW: I kinda liked "Mountain Battles," though I wouldn't call it essential listening.

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-06-06 17:31:40 +0000
Last night's show was really great.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-06 18:03:20 +0000
I am going through some weird 'sisters Deal' thing right now- just watched the Loud/Quiet/Loud doc the other night.

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