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Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-06-08 19:03:57 +0000

Replacements Immersion #5 -- "The Shit Hits The Fans" (1985)

<img src ="http://static.rateyourmusic.com/album_images/52646.jpg">

Record is <a href ="http://www.sendspace.com/file/66j534"> here. </a>

Released January 25, 1985 by Twin/Tone Records.

One pressing of 10,000 cassettes, then out of print forever.

It didn't chart well.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-15 19:08:27 +0000
Dyed On: Is this the artwork for this below? Just curious...

<img src="http://www.twintone.com/minies/8443.gif">

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-06-16 03:14:40 +0000
That's it.

Posted by virtue on 2008-06-16 10:51:06 +0000
Hey dd, do you have the other half of the record--I can only get tracks 1-15. Which are fucking awesome.

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-06-16 15:15:33 +0000
That was all I could find, alas. When I get back to ARC: 'TIM.'

Posted by virtue on 2008-06-16 16:23:42 +0000
I don't understand--what is ARC: 'TIM.'?

Posted by tommy on 2008-06-16 16:41:52 +0000
"Tim" is the next record in the immersion. I cheated and am listening to it now. I assume ARC is Allston (Rock City).

Posted by virtue on 2008-06-16 16:50:36 +0000
Ah, thanks for the clarification, tommy.

Posted by virtue on 2008-06-16 16:55:52 +0000
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank dyedon for keeping the immersions going--my life would be a far worse place without P.J. Harvey or the replacements.

That said, I can't believe I went so long without ever hearing/getting into the replacements(I vaguely remember the one popularish song that a friend had on her mix tape in the early nineties, or maybe it was from a movie soundtrack?). I have this strange feeling that if I had listened to let it be (or any of these records) in high school, the entire course of my life would have been radically different.

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-06-16 20:48:10 +0000
Tommy point: Allston Rock City.

Much obliged. It's because of the Replacements that I know the definition of 'Androgynous.'

Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-17 22:51:50 +0000
'Dissatisfied' on Let It Be has been etched in my brain as of late. I think a spin on 'End of Radio' may be warranted.

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