Harpoon Fest
I called CTP on Saturday to ask if he wanted to come and have a couple at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club with JB and Chippy that night. It was wicked crowded in the background, and it wasn't until about 5 minutes after I got off the phone that I figured out that he was at the Harpoonfest. I totally blanked on it! Aargh!
It was too late to go over then, but as it turns out, we could hear C4RT pretty clearly for most of their set-- the breeze (ahhhhhhhhh breeeeeeeeze!) blew the sound directly towards us. It was probably a much more pleasant experience than I gathered from the pictures I saw on line this afternoon:
<a href="http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2050583680056755740BdpiZG"><img src="http://thumb0.webshots.net/t/62/562/5/83/68/2050583680056755740BdpiZG_th.jpg" alt="i had to go!! yuck i know!"></a>
But I would love to hear a show report anyway...
I probably wouldn't go again, though. It was $15 to get in, and each beer was $5. Total scam.