The Queers Tonight in Nashville
So, The Queers are playing Nashville tonight and I was thinking of going. Those who know me...what do you think? Will I enjoy the show? I've got my earplugs in my purse. Should I stop at home for some sturdy shoes instead of my flip-flops? Should I go? Or play mah jong?
On the plus side, turns out my boss isn't really mad at me, my brother said good things about me to the boss at lunch today (which I wasn't in attendance for), and as of June 21 there will be 14 hours 38 minutes of daylight in Nashville! Time to get some bugspray and a lounge chair! Oh, and I'll go to the show tonight.
The Queers are so wicked awesome.
2) The skinhead who was at the same venue when I was there for a metal show in April was there again last night...I said hi to him as I entered the performance space and didn't see him again for the rest of the night.
3) The Queers RULE!
4) I stood at the back of the room to avoid the mosh pit, and two aging punks were next to me, at one point they were swaying together to another band which was endlessly amusing. I wanted to tell one of them (who had a huge pink mohawk) to sway a little lower so I could catch the breeze, but held my tongue. They came back to stand with me later when the Queers played, and we struck up conversation. Turns out they were (irony of ironies) the queers at the Queers show! Awesome. They kept me laughing through the entire set.
4)I think some of the punks in Nashville forgot that it's not 1998 anymore. I swear I saw everyone I used to work with at Pearl Art & Craft...just 20 lbs heavier and with worse outfits. One guy looked like he should've been at a rave, there were a few coiffed greasers, one guy who should've put his shirt back on (not due to anything but the fact that it's nasty to crowd-surf or mosh without a shirt in a hot club), a few mohawks, a couple of skinheads, at least one pair of cowboy boots, a lot of spraying beer and water over the pit, and it was a great show.
5) I listened to Justin Timberlake on the way there and back.