Kevin Youkilis: No one's favorite member of the Red Sox.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-23 16:04:13 +0000
A W is better than an L, don't you think?
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-06-23 20:33:01 +0000
Oh, totally. Me and propagandatour were watching that 'red sox batting stances' video the other night and she remarked -- correctly, I think -- that Youk was no one's fave, so I thought I'd try it out.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-06-23 22:51:50 +0000
I guess Dyed is right. Can anyone imagine Ortiz or Ramirez or Ellsbury or Varitek or ______. Doing <a href="">this</a>?
<img src="">
BM Nation indeed.