travel advice needed
So, I'm weighing my options for the big trip up to Boston for Labor Day weekend, and it seems more cost effective to drive there and back (staying with friends along the way and potentially sharing rides) than to fly. Any thoughts?
I think I get between 23-28 mpg, for an 1100 mile trip. I think it will be 6 tanks (about $50 each) roundtrip. Plus maybe 1/2-1 while in Boston for a few days.
I have a friend here who may want a ride to NYC, could help with driving, and from NYC it's a breeze.
Email me your dates/times and I'll check my airline resources. x
That said, the one time I tried to take a bus to a distant wedding (Georgia), I made it only as far as Richmond before missing a connection, spending 24 hrs in the bus station, missing the wedding, then turning around and riding home again. No fun at all.
If I can find someone to help me drive, it will be super easy, but so far no luck.
I think the drive up will be a breeze. The drive back will be a little more difficult.