hands up who's proud to be from New Hampshire!
A 27-year-old woman has been repeatedly arrested in the Portsmouth/Newington area for wearing pants which drooped so low that 6" of her ass (who measured this?) and a certain amount of (notably unmeasured) pubic hair was clearly visible.
Apparently she appeared for her court dates in similarly revealing trousers. <a href="http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080630/NEWS/80630016">The little scamp!</a>
So... gross or sexy? I'm voting gross, but that's mainly for pubic hair reasons. And I've seen nicer asses. Yes, there is a photo (of the "offending" bum-cleavage) in the linked article. Nowhere near 6" worth, but hey.
Seriously, live (underwear) free or die.
We were talking about what the next clothing outrage that "kids these days" will be doing next. I speculated it would be exposed pubes. This Portsmouth woman is ahead of her time! In five years, I expect to see Hollister jeans with a v-neck front, and imitation pubes marketed to 11-year-old girls.
And all of the women who have had electrolysis will regret having it done.
I saw a lot of 'granola'/'crusty' women with super low rise jeans on and pubes exposed at Phish shows and other concert parking lots where au natural chycks might be. Sometimes with the backless shirt and hairy armpits, sometimes with the belt buckle riding above the jean's top button, which lessened the pube exposure, and made it more appealing.
I haven't seen it on Newbury St yet though...