Engaging article by Joe Queenan, who I hung out with one day.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-07-09 19:08:00 +0000
Interesting. Thanks for posting this. I am going to have to print it out and put on my nightstand and spend some time re-reading it before commenting further.
Posted by virtue on 2008-07-09 20:15:20 +0000
You should check out this <a href=http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/music/2008/07/no_were_not_as_bored_as_you_ar.html>reply</a>.
Also, my friend has this blog you might be interested in, <a href=http://detritusreview.blogspot.com/>The Detritus Review</a>. I sent him deejayhubris' link, and he blogged about Queenan and the response. Oh, the tautology of the interwebs.
Also, my friend has this blog you might be interested in, <a href=http://detritusreview.blogspot.com/>The Detritus Review</a>. I sent him deejayhubris' link, and he blogged about Queenan and the response. Oh, the tautology of the interwebs.