wasp advice
Does anyone have advice about wasps?
In the past week, I've found close to 30 either dead or dying along a wall lined with windows, with a built-in clothes-closet at one end and the computer at the other, with a radiator below the windows. Nowhere else in the apartment - or even anywhere else in the room - seems affected. There are no holes in the ceiling or walls.
I wasn't bothered by them (apart from feeling bad that they seem to be dying without finding their way out) until just now when a live one got stuck in my pantleg, stung me twice, and got smashed by me - thinking it was a roving wooden splinter. So now I feel even more guilty (I'm not allergic, so the physical stings don't bother me as much as those assaulting my conscience).
Where are they likely to be coming from? I don't see a nest behind the radiator, the computer equipment, under the tables/chairs, or in the closet. The windows aren't left open when I'm not at the computer and I haven't seen any flying in (or out). What can I do to help them out (or keep them out)?
The response I liked best there was: <i>"From my experience, wasps will only sting you if you intrude on the nest or if they get caught in your hair or clothing... If you want to move them away, persistently reach your hand slowly towards them--they'll buzz in those crazy circles for a while, then get tired of moving away from your hand and fly off. They will not get "mad" and sting you... If you thrash around, you are more likely to trap them in your clothing and be stung."</i>
So I guess the trick is to start using the Internets naked again, seeing as no thrashing occurred prior to the pantleg entrapment.
Q: "Where are they likely to be coming from?"
A: Westchester County.
And I just realised that WASP wasn't the christian rock band who threw bibles out at their stadium audiences (and knocked a few of 'em out with bad/good aim) - that was STRYPER. WASP were the ones who recorded the classic <i>"F*** like a beast"</i>. I guess I misheard the lyrics as <i>"F*** like THE Beast"</i> and assumed it was an anti-fornication anthem.
And also?
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GOpOK9EuuFc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GOpOK9EuuFc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I've got most kinds of stinging, flying bugs around my house, and aside from a plethora of mosquito bites, I've been lucky not to get stung by anything yet. Then again, I stay very still when they start flying near me. Having been stung by a swarm of hornets when I was 10 and stepping on bumble bee as a teen, I am not anxious to be stung again. Last year I did use a can of that foam poison to kill an underground yellowjacket nest; those things are angry ALL the time.
If the species of beasties biting me keep increasing in size this exponentially, I'll be eaten by Godzilla before my birthday.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EXZXHU9ul_4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EXZXHU9ul_4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
See, this is why I'm not getting a tv when I return stateside. Must. Maintain. Sanity.
And just to be a gumpy old woman for a minute - Didn't VH1 used to be MTV for yuppies? And didn't MTV used to play VIDEOS???!!! Alright, now I need to soak my dentures and sit with a blanket over my knees.
The wasps now appear to be gone - I've left the computer room windows closed since The Sting, so I reckon your bet that they were sneaking in while I wasn't looking was 100% correct, madam. Weird that they'd want to come sit by me while they die... I'm like some kind of wasp hospice worker. Except I killed one of my "patients". Yikes!