The wit and wisdom of Ozzie Guillen
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(Cribbed from <a href =""> this</a> column.)
"That's what ticks me off about Chicago fans and Chicago media -- they forget pretty quick. A couple of days ago we were the [bleeping] best [bleep] in town, now we're [bleep]. Because maybe the manager is [bleep]. We won it a couple years ago, and we're horse[bleep], The Cubs haven't won in 120 years, and they're the [bleeping] best. [Bleep] it, we're good. [Bleep] everybody. We're horse[bleep], and we're going to be horse[bleep] the rest of our lives, no matter how many World Series we win. We are the [bleep] of Chicago. We're the Chicago [bleep]. We have the worst owner -- the guy's got seven [bleeping] rings, and he's the [bleeping] horse[bleep] owner."