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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by rladew on 2004-09-21 20:27:50 +0000

Netflix Update / Capsule Reviews

<b>Rock N Roll High School/b>: cheesy / Embarassing / but totally cool whenever the Ramones are on screen :

-Marky playing drums in the shower
-Joey eating sprouts
-Joey serenading spandex clad heroine RIFF in her bedroom (excerpted in The End Of the Century documentary)
-Dee Dee eating pizza

trivia: (executive produced by indie legend Roger Corman who has given starts to people like Scorsese)

<b>The Who: The Kids Are Alright <b>

This kicked ass!

The early mod stuff was great, all the expected destruction footage is here: pierced speaker cabinets galore, keith moon tomfoolery, etc.

The interviews with Townshend, Moon , et al along with cameos from Ringo Starr, one of the Smothers Brothers, as well as a score of hapless daytime tv variety shows how are shown NO MERCY by the WHOSTERS are all priceless.

5.1 Dolby digital DTS of Baba o'Riley and Won't Get Fooled Again. After checking this out, you feel doubly as sad for the current state of Rock N Roll Bands.....

Definitely worth it if you get a chance.

Up next in the cue: the Social D / Minor Threat Thing We Talked About, Mean Girls, Super Size Me, etc...

Posted by on 2004-09-21 20:28:50 +0000
apparently I am fucking up the html bold command. sometimes the php buttons were easier ho hum.....

Posted by on 2004-09-21 20:39:22 +0000
</b>You missed a closing &lt;.

&lt;b/&gt;<b>Bold, Baby.</b>&lt;/b&gt;

Maybe this HTML isn't a good idea.

Posted by on 2004-09-21 20:39:43 +0000

Posted by on 2004-09-22 03:01:27 +0000
I currently have 'Dancer In The Dark' (there's one scene in that film- the one that makes you cry) and 'Play'd: A Hip Hop Story.'

Posted by on 2004-09-23 18:31:08 +0000
There are two scenes. The one that makes you cry, and the one where Bjork explains why she leaves American Musicals right before the final number.
Did I mention I loved this movie?

Posted by on 2004-09-23 20:40:36 +0000
Me Sis Ladew, Jackie, and BQ saw it @ the Harvard theater across from the UU church (same place we caught American Splendor I Think)

BQ and I thought it was emotional pornography (or heavy manipulation at least). I personally loved the musical angle, the then radical decision of using all cheap digital camcorders which gave the film's look an interesting texture, and, of course, the songs, but the premise of BJORK's character not telling the truth of what really happened just so we could see her martyred for a long uncomfortable period of time didn ring true or realistic for me. But hey, its a mobie, a story, etc.. right?

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