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I regret living at home for two years after college. One was fine, two? Too much.
I regret...
....never seeing fIREHOSE.
But... yeah.
...deciding to study for my Statistics of Psychology finals instead of going to see the the Pixies/Nirvana show in Boston, 1992. Within 2 years the Pixies had broken up and Kurt was dead.
And I flunked the exam anyway. Stupid statistics.
I didn't hallucinate that show, did I? Did that really happen? Was anyone on Rideside there?
...the biggest reason was that at the time I didn't really know anyone in the choir, and I was scared to go on this trip and be completely alone in what I imagined would be a group full of goody-two-shoes cliques. It was just easier to 'do my own alt-thing' than to make friends with these people. And as it turns out, some of those music nerds were actually pretty cool, and had a fantastic time on the trip.
...not working harder sooner on overcoming my serious and significant shyness (but better late than never, right? i'm always late anyway).
...not pushing harder for guitar lessons when i was 12 and the idea first occurred to me. i'd be *awesome* by now.