Calling CTP: I need a ride to a wedding.
Just reviewing the directions to a wedding I'm attending this weekend (second of five this year):
Getting There
By car–
Drive to Augusta and head east on 17. More detailed directions will follow.
By plane–
Fly to Boston Logan (cheapest), Portland (a little more money), or Augusta (expensive). You’ll
need to rent a car to get to the farm.
By boat–
Steer your ocean-going vessel to Damariscotta on an incoming tide. Rent a canoe. Paddle up to
Damariscotta Lake and portage through Damariscotta Mills. Paddle 15 miles up the lake. Head up
the river at the top of the lake and portage over the dam in Jefferson. Paddle two more miles (take
the left branch in the stream!) and you’ll be right across the street from the farm.
Always delightfully cool.