Radiohead tickets for sale
Hi all, we've extended our trip in Africa which means we need to sell our Radiohead tickets for August 13th at the Tweeter Center. We paid $75.00 each for seats 1 and 2 in section 10, row N, if anyone is interested email me at, thanks!
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Not sure about my attire.
Best light show I've ever seen. Wasn't until The Gloaming did they start using the tubes and the vertical "falling" light beams. Fairly quiet volume. Crowd wasn't too young.
Setlist (!!! = highlight)
There There
15 Step ->
Kid A !!!
All I Need !!!
The Gloaming w/ Jam !!!
National Anthem
Jigsaw Falling into Place
The Bends
Faust Arp (Really fucked up) !!!
Weird Fishes
Improv ->
Everything in it's Right Place !!!
Exit Music !!! (could hear a pin drop)
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House of Cards
I might be Wrong
Paranoid Android
Wolf at the Door
How to Disappear Completely
- - - - - -
Yourke solo tune off of Erasure, not Black Swan
Karma Police
Idioteque !!!
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Glob's take <a href="">here</a>.
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