Sorry, just trying to jumpstart this Drunk Dialin' topic. It seems stagnant as of late.
Posted by on 2004-09-22 13:52:07 +0000
<b>BQ I WILL CUT YR FACE!!!!!</b>
ummm... this strategy doesnt seem to work... dude WTF?
Posted by on 2004-09-22 14:17:45 +0000
<b>BQ I WILL CUT YR FACE!!!!</b>
It's the new "Oh! Snap!" button.
Posted by on 2004-09-22 15:17:17 +0000
I talked to BQ on the dog and bone last night. He told me that in NYC he
1. Passed out in a Metro station
2. Got kicked out of a lesbian bar
3. Was going to trade in the BizQuigclan for a family that he had dinner with-- he said they were straight out of "The New Yorker". He didn't tell them that he was a republican.
Someone just needs to tell him that everyone is out there wanting to cut his face.
Posted by on 2004-09-22 15:35:33 +0000
"dog and bone"? I can't keep up with the terminology these kids are using today.
Re: 3. Does that mean they looked like some sorta squiggly cartoon, with very dry one-liners?
Posted by on 2004-09-22 15:58:24 +0000
BQ should definitely admit that he's a backwoods uneducated republican Rube / goon. I think we can all agree that we need another curmudgeon up in this peice.
Let the face cutting resume!
Posted by on 2004-09-22 15:58:42 +0000
"Dog and Bone" is cockney for phone.
And I guess they must have looked like cartoons-- dry humor and all.
Posted by on 2004-09-22 17:27:31 +0000
It was the dry, pithy comments that the family had about seemingly everything that made 'em so New Yorker cartoon, I guess.
ummm... this strategy doesnt seem to work... dude WTF?
It's the new "Oh! Snap!" button.
1. Passed out in a Metro station
2. Got kicked out of a lesbian bar
3. Was going to trade in the BizQuigclan for a family that he had dinner with-- he said they were straight out of "The New Yorker". He didn't tell them that he was a republican.
Someone just needs to tell him that everyone is out there wanting to cut his face.
Re: 3. Does that mean they looked like some sorta squiggly cartoon, with very dry one-liners?
Let the face cutting resume!
And I guess they must have looked like cartoons-- dry humor and all.