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Posted by loxocele on 2008-07-29 05:36:20 +0000

@ pamsterdam:

i simply <i>had</i> to throw on Dead or Alive for the ride home.

it is all your fault.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-07-29 21:24:28 +0000
You know, I woke up this morning with a very sore right hand. Peering blearily at it, I noted a bruise spreading from just under my index finger right into the center of my palm. I had a cloudy recollection of repeatedly slamming my hand on the porch's door frame, in percussive aid of singing a song with you... but which one?

Thank you for single-handedly solving the mystery and making me feel <i>slightly</i> better about being such an obnoxious drunk last night.

I would tell you that you that you're so charming that you simply must cancel your move out west, but having seen that hideous photo of me you posted from Saturday night... ;)

Posted by loxocele on 2008-07-29 22:05:03 +0000

i love that picture...as someone once said of a photo of me once, "you look like you're undressing congress with your eyes."

also, i find you a very pleasant drunk, not obnoxious at all. at least so far. *grin*

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-07-30 07:08:39 +0000

Alright, now you really do have to cancel your move. x

Posted by loxocele on 2008-07-30 14:59:10 +0000
well, i just bumped it out another 12 hours as of last night - having conquered my abject terror of doing karaoke at charlie's <small>(or, to quote d8, "so you got over yourself")</small>, i decided the experience merits repeating. *laughs* wednesday morning isn't so different from tuesday afternoon, right?

<small>[seriously...the second half of the song (the part where i started breathing again) was really fun, and some random guy even bought me a drink out of enthusiasm for my song choice. which, you know, i didn't actually need and probably shouldn't have consumed given the 2 hours of sleep and very little food on which i was running, but hey.]</small>

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