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i ride sideways
Posted by MF DU on 2008-07-31 15:02:33 +0000

George Michael @ The Garden 7/27/08

Approx 1 hour late due to the bad weather, apparently Mr. Michael travels separately from his crew.

Stage setup was particularly awesome for a big 80's popstar - A big "S" shapped stage that reached from Jumbotron area down to the base of stage - stage doubled as a huge led/video area and columns on the left and right complimented the main S's graphics and lights.

Huge backing band set up on 3 levels of scaffolding, but depending on the number performed, GM would bring down musicians to share the stage with him: assorted gospel-ish backing singers, guitarists ('Faith'), bongo players , keyboardists, etc.

Snippets of some of his '80's early 90's vids would occasionaly come on, but it was always re-constructed and integrated to real time video of events going onstage that night and not simply a rebroadcast of VH1 classic.

The blue-eyed soul on display here was full on and nuanced - Michael's voice was croony and velvety and the crowd (very not what I am used to seeing at usual shows I go to)loved him for it.

He acknowledged at one point that he knew it wasn't easy to admit to cop to a crowd of people being a George Michael fan, but that he aimed to help that statement being easier to say after attending this show. He was right on the money - damn all past events - I am a George Michael fan.

I feel over the years Michael has taken a bad rap as compared to maybe the 80's pop legacy of Madonna, Prince or Michael Jackson, but you cant deny (look below) that the dude has crafted A LOT of hit songs that are quickly cast aside in favor of crazy rest stop stories.

B+ / A-

Approx setlist:

"Waiting (Reprise)"
"I'm Your Man"
"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"
"Father Figure"
"Hard Day"
"Everything She Wants"
"One More Try"
"A Different Corner"
"An Easier Affair"
"Too Funky"
"Star People '97"
"Feeling Good"
"Spinning the Wheel"
"Kissing a Fool"
"Flawless (Go to the City)"
"Careless Whisper"
"Freedom 90"

Posted by Miriam on 2008-07-31 12:08:58 +0000
This was '08, not '07...right?

Posted by MF DU on 2008-07-31 15:42:05 +0000
Correct - 08. I just revised it.

Thanks for posting to this thread - I was hoping at least people would throw stuff at me for applauding G Michael - but... nothing but the sound of crickets until yr post. Oh well. I 'spose 80s pop has a limited shelf life.

Glob's take <a href="http://www.boston.com/ae/music/articles/2008/07/28/late_arriving_michael_rewards_fans_for_keeping_the_faith/">Here</a>.

<img src="http://cache.boston.com/bonzai-fba/Original_Photo/2008/07/28/1217246488_1000.jpg">

Posted by Miriam on 2008-07-31 16:34:59 +0000
I saw him on Good Morning America...shaking his rump and being fabulous. I totally applaud your post, and your going to the show. I'm thoroughly jealous!

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