peregrination ftw.
somerville, ma to santa cruz, ca - "Via US-9, Garden State Pkwy S, US-19 S/US-23 S/US-70 E, I-90 W/I-94 W/Kennedy Expy W, I-94 W, US-14A, I-40 W, I-710 S, Pacific Coast Hwy, CA-1/CA-246/E Ocean Ave, CA-1 N."
<b>wednesday, august 6th:</b> boston area to philadelphia, PA (7 hours drive time). see highschool friend and coffeehouse where part of my thesis took place.
<b>thursday, august 7th:</b> philadelphia, PA to milton, DE (3 hours): tour dogfish head brewery. sleep in milford, DE.
<b>friday, august 8th:</b> milford, DE to asheville, NC (11 hours). do stuff. sleep in weaverville, NC.
<b>saturday, august 9th: </b>in asheville/weaverville.
<b>sunday, august 10th: </b>in asheville/weaverville.
<b>monday, august 11th: </b>weaverville, NC to chicago, IL (11 hours). see various friends from highschool.
<b>tuesday, august 12th: </b>in chicago.
<b>wednesday, august 13th: </b>chicago, IL to minneapolis, MN (7 hours). see family.
<b>thursday, august 14th:</b> in minneapolis.
<b>friday, august 15th:</b> in minneapolis.
<b>saturday, august 16th:</b> minneapolis, MN to deadwood, SD (10 hours). do stuff.
<b>sunday, august 17th: </b>in deadwood.
<b>monday, august 18th: </b>deadwood, SD to santa fe, NM (12 hours). do stuff.
<b>tuesday, august 19th: </b>in santa fe.
<b>wednesday, august 20th: </b>santa fe, NM to needles, CA (9 hours). try not to die while in hottest place in entire country.
<b>thursday, august 21st: </b>needles, CA to los angeles, CA (possibly via oatman ghost town; 4-5 hours). see friends.
<b>friday, august 22nd: </b>los angeles, CA to santa cruz, CA (8 hours). sleep in my empty apartment.
<b>saturday, august 23rd: </b>santa cruz, CA to san jose, CA (2 hours round-trip). maybe pick up ex-boyfriend at airport, maybe not?
<b>sunday, august 24th:</b> santa cruz, CA to black rock city, NV (7 hours). burning man!!
<b>monday, august 25th:</b> at burning man.
<b>tuesday, august 26th:</b> at burning man.
<b>wednesday, august 27th:</b> at burning man.
<b>thursday, august 28th:</b> at burning man.
<b>friday, august 29th:</b> at burning man.
<b>saturday, august 30th:</b> at burning man.
<b>sunday, august 31st:</b> at burning man.
<b>monday, september 1st:</b> black rock city, NV to carnelian bay, CA (3 hours). <i>bathe</i>. shack up with self? other?
<b>tuesday, september 2nd:</b> in carnelian bay.
<b>wednesday, september 3rd:</b> in carnelian bay.
<b>thursday, september 4th:</b> carnelian bay, CA to santa cruz, CA (5 hours). possibly see highschool friend's performace in SF on the way.
<b>friday, september 5th:</b> in santa cruz. hopefully my furniture and stuff shows up today?
<b>saturday, september 6th:</b> in santa cruz. maybe receiving furniture, etc.
<b>sunday, september 7th:</b> santa cruz, CA to san jose, CA (2 hours round-trip). maybe.
<b>monday, september 8th:</b> in santa cruz.
<b>sunday, september 14th:</b> santa cruz, CA to san francisco, CA (3 hours round-trip). pick up T. and cat at airport!
<b>sometime thereafter:</b> bum around napa and stay in vineyard guest houses, courtesy of T.'s business connections.
<b>sunday, september 21st:</b> santa cruz, CA to san francisco, CA (3 hours round-trip). T back to boston.
<b>tuesday, september 23rd:</b> new grad student orientation at UCSC.
<b>thursday, september 25th:</b> first quarter of grad school begins. settle down some and be responsible, or something.
(map of MA to CA portion shown <a href=",+Somerville,+MA+02143&daddr=US-9+%4040.255130,+-74.289870+to:Benjamin+Franklin+Bridge+%4039.955360,+-75.147890+to:Garden+State+Pkwy+S+%4038.967150,+-74.899370+to:Union+St+Ext+%4038.795200,+-75.314150+to:US-19+S%2FUS-23+S%2FUS-70+E+%4035.594690,+-82.568990+to:I-90+W%2FI-94+W%2FKennedy+Expy+W+%4041.881510,+-87.645540+to:I-94+W+%4044.966700,+-93.272650+to:US-14A+%4044.387970,+-103.700240+to:S+St+Francis+Dr+%4035.646900,+-105.956340+to:34.85889,-114.708252+to:I-710+S+%4033.833540,+-118.208970+to:Pacific+Coast+Hwy+%4034.041460,+-118.894380+to:CA-1%2FCA-246%2FE+Ocean+Ave+%4034.638870,+-120.440300+to:CA-1+N+%4034.702740,+-120.473350+to:CA-1+%4034.932540,+-120.568360+to:CA-1+%4035.503470,+-121.016070+to:257+High+St,+Santa+Cruz,+CA+95060&hl=en&geocode=10241000081647691487,40.255130,-74.289870%3B3141278915081058600,39.955360,-75.147890%3B5955011278271024668,38.967150,-74.899370%3B13276628410110548276,38.795200,-75.314150%3B5853003877254878621,35.594690,-82.568990%3B17691726523368532194,41.881510,-87.645540%3B6862997713230932967,44.966700,-93.272650%3B14614240950414476821,44.387970,-103.700240%3B4864580186474373887,35.646900,-105.956340%3B13331484947947098792,36.175010,-115.142380%3B10296175019637895150,33.833540,-118.208970%3B16194358557365394398,34.041460,-118.894380%3B17945609687127319068,34.638870,-120.440300%3B11499644151289023383,34.702740,-120.473350%3B1939551058628858992,34.932540,-120.568360%3B2719061671864593601,35.503470,-121.016070&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=10&sz=7&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16&sll=36.093499,-116.542969&sspn=5.600388,11.030273&ie=UTF8&ll=36.102376,-90.087891&spn=44.223119,88.242187&z=4">here</a>.)
I don't know deadwood from shinola, but I'm super jealous of your time in fanta se.
...but you have to know what name they'd enter (playa name, real name, other name), and they have to take the initiative to go register. i never got around to it last year, so i have no clue.
i'll hunt for the noodle bar...and if you talk to your friends, tell them to come by Bob's Rainforest (typically around 7 and C). we mist people, and we have good beer. yaaaay.
however, i had a damn stressful day - so what i *am* doing right now is watching the first four episodes of deadwood...
...and <i>wow</i>, this thread makes a lot more sense! :D