Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-08-05 14:15:14 +0000
Supposedly Rubin forced Metallica to only listen to "Master of Puppets" while writing this one. It's probably sacrilege, but I think that record completely sucks, as does a majority of this band's catalog.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-08-05 14:26:21 +0000
First 4 LPS work just fine for me - not so much after that. Its always fun to speculate with these guys, but like I said, I don't want to hold my breath.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-08-05 16:16:37 +0000
Just realized the swirls around the coffin / grave are those iron filing magnetic swirly patterns. Pretty cool artwork.
Posted by respectless on 2008-08-05 17:16:42 +0000
rick rubin is the ONLY chance these guys have of salvaging their name. hey, it could be good. stranger things have happened, but i am guessing closer to chinese democracy. i was a big metallica fan until like '91/'92, so i will give it it's day in court.
Posted by mr. mister on 2008-08-05 17:44:02 +0000
I hope it's another kill em all but after seeing that Metallica doc I think it's over.
Posted by tgl on 2008-08-05 18:19:55 +0000
Still looks like a va-jay-jay to me.
Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-05 18:50:25 +0000
that was my first thought....
Posted by MF DU on 2008-08-08 11:09:32 +0000
what Hank Rollins refers to as the 'vertical smile' on 'Loose Nut'...
Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-09-05 15:23:30 +0000
I heard 'My Apocalypse' the other day off of the 'va-jay-jay' album. I'm not gonna lie: I liked Hammet's lead.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-09-25 14:00:45 +0000
Front Page of the print WSJ today - Metallica fans say its too loud!
<a href="">(Not Very) Mastered of Puppets</a>
The side-by-side diagram of 2 30 second soundwaves from<i>...And Justice For All</i> and <i>Death Magnetic</i> is entertaining.
This has always been a problem with "Loud" / "Metal" music - you want power, but you give up any of the nuances between instruments in the process.
Not that Metallica are the Stooges or anything, but <i>Raw Power</i> comes to mind.
I think its kind of sad that a lot of music today is being made to be heard on those shitty clock radio speaker earbuds that come for free with the ipod.
The first thing I did when I Opened my Ipod in 2005 was to rid myself of those 'paper cup and a string' sound quality earphones.
As far as <i>Death Magnetic</i> and its music, its better than most of the 90's tripe by first listen. They didn't pull a Newstead w/ Trujillo's bass a la <i>...And Justice For All</i>, but again, even though you have bass in the mix, the mix is anything but dynamic.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-09-30 11:50:51 +0000
Top waveform is "Death Magnet," then "Master of Puppets," then the Black album.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-09-30 12:52:34 +0000
The new album, FWIW, is particularly good i/r/t all the '90's output - It's a shame they didn't have the faith in their material to make a more dynamic recording.
In an effort to appear "loud" and "extreme" it loses would could have been an extra dimension. Oh well.
<a href="">(Not Very) Mastered of Puppets</a>
The side-by-side diagram of 2 30 second soundwaves from<i>...And Justice For All</i> and <i>Death Magnetic</i> is entertaining.
This has always been a problem with "Loud" / "Metal" music - you want power, but you give up any of the nuances between instruments in the process.
Not that Metallica are the Stooges or anything, but <i>Raw Power</i> comes to mind.
I think its kind of sad that a lot of music today is being made to be heard on those shitty clock radio speaker earbuds that come for free with the ipod.
The first thing I did when I Opened my Ipod in 2005 was to rid myself of those 'paper cup and a string' sound quality earphones.
As far as <i>Death Magnetic</i> and its music, its better than most of the 90's tripe by first listen. They didn't pull a Newstead w/ Trujillo's bass a la <i>...And Justice For All</i>, but again, even though you have bass in the mix, the mix is anything but dynamic.
<img src="">
Top waveform is "Death Magnet," then "Master of Puppets," then the Black album.
In an effort to appear "loud" and "extreme" it loses would could have been an extra dimension. Oh well.