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tome cusp
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2008-08-06 05:32:39 +0000

Wait, do I feel pity for McCain?

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McCain just got bitch slapped by Paris? (Hat Tip = Drudge-ee-poo)

Is this even fair? The entire McCain camp must be numb.

AND the Hilton family donated the $4,600 max to McCain. Yikes!

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-08-06 10:20:40 +0000
Saw it this morning on GMA. Awesome!

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-08-06 10:44:19 +0000
Of course it's fair; he's a public figure. I'm sure he can laugh along with a vacuous millionaire heiress.

Okay everybody we get it: McCain is old and Obama is black. Wake me up when they announce their veeps.

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-08-06 11:02:37 +0000
Veeps are more meaningless than this video. Cheney is the exception to the rule.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2008-08-06 14:22:55 +0000
Um, there's no joke in there about Obama being black...

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-08-06 14:44:10 +0000
Wait, Obama's black?

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-08-06 15:20:35 +0000
We're in the post-race era! Woo-ha!!

Posted by tgl on 2008-08-06 16:46:30 +0000
McCain's age is one of selling points, right?

Posted by G lib on 2008-08-06 19:46:07 +0000
Wait, his not knowing how to use the internet is one of his selling points, right?

Posted by abber on 2008-08-08 18:58:47 +0000
Paris Hilton and her video are an insult to womankind.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-08-12 10:35:27 +0000
I'm strangely fond of her. No, really.

And I reckon at least 95% of her public behavior is an act.

Posted by tgl on 2008-08-12 13:42:59 +0000
Men have Hitler and women have Hilton. I'd say you're ahead.

Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-13 19:40:36 +0000
just flushed iced coffee into my sinuses, in front of a whole coffeehouse full of hipsters. thanks.


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