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Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-09 16:31:20 +0000

CPFLT(@)W - 5/6 august 2008

[or: people you may know and/or love, as featured at my last night in boston]

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/leaving%20boston/DSCN7306.jpg" width="300">

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/leaving%20boston/DSCN7311.jpg" width="300">

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/leaving%20boston/DSCN7312.jpg" width="300">

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/leaving%20boston/DSCN7314.jpg" width="300">

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/leaving%20boston/DSCN7320.jpg" width="300">

arriving after 11 != getting in the rotation at karaoke
beer from abber!
met mr. mister (hi!)
what's the plan?
a little rain (or was that the last time i was at noir?)
@ dyedon8: "would it be funny or obnoxious to go get my camera?"
dyedon8: "funny!"

hilarity ensues.

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-08-10 02:16:32 +0000
Oh, dear.

Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-10 09:21:32 +0000
i've probably looked at this photo set upwards of 30 times by now (thanks, iphoto!), and it *still* makes me laugh out loud.

which is pretty awesome.

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