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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-09 17:00:18 +0000

RTPotD: 1 - boston through philadelphia

freehold, NJ: a friend of mine is from here, so i stopped off for dinner. they have a place called frederici's, which has some very tasty pizza. they also apparently have bruce springsteen. massachusetts: leave the bay state later than i had initially planned, but that's the beauty of this whole thing: i can do whatever i want. whooo! raining; pick up my bike; stuck in traffic trying to get on the highway (go figure). hear, "from WHYY in philadelphia, this is fresh air!" on the radio and think, huh, i'll be there tonight. this is it: i'm on the road, i'm leaving...and it doesn't seem real at all. rhode island: stop to see an old friend for lunch and pick up the mix he made me. go back to his house to swap music files; run my wet hands through my hair in the bathroom and unexpectedly release all the scents of the previous night's shenanigans - olfactory nature of memory, wow (how can hair smell like an entire place?). decline offer to get naked - "no really, it's not a casual sex tour." some things never change. connecticut: never really noticed that the word "connect" is embedded in this state, huh. drove through it. probably got stuck in some traffic or something. new york: spend a lot of time in traffic. look at all the fallen tiles and debris while stuck under a bridge and think about the oft-repeated phrase "our nation's crumbling infrastructure." this is one of those times: so many things are coming to their ends. new jersey: stop for dinner in freehold - mmmm, thin crust pizza. also have coffee. pennsylvania: arrive at house of friend from high school. talk for a bit and pass out.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-08-10 16:41:25 +0000
Technically "connect" isn't embedded in Connecticut ... it's more of a charade: connect-i-cut (also interesting that it's two antonyms surrounded by a letter).

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