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i ride sideways
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-08-11 00:22:13 +0000

Nick Drake Immersion #2 -- "Bryter Layter" (1970)

<img src ="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/17/Bryter_Layter.jpg/200px-Bryter_Layter.jpg">

Record is <a href ="http://www.sendspace.com/file/8u3pog"> here. </a>

Released 1 November 1970 by Island Records.

It didn't chart well.

Posted by virtue on 2008-08-18 15:12:36 +0000
I'm having some trouble with bryter layter--sometimes the excessive jazzy strings/sax really work, but when they fall flat, they really fall.

This kind of reminds me of some of the production on Townes Van Zandt's early studio albums where you end up with the whole late 60's early 70's nashville sound at it's schlockiest.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-08-18 19:19:43 +0000
So this <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akuma_no_Uta">Boris album</a> I'm digging had some inspiration, eh? Pretty cool...

<img src="http://static.metal-archives.com/images/3/8/6/6/38660.jpg">

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-08-18 20:40:33 +0000
That album is so kick-arse. They were playing it a few years back at the Other Side, and I asked the guy what it was, and he said that it was Boris, just look for the album that looks like Bryter Layter, and sho nuff, there it was.

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