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i ride sideways
Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-13 21:46:35 +0000

RTPotD: 7 - chicago, IL through minneapolis, MN

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/loxocele/roadtrip%20photos/DSCN7522.jpg" width="500">
darien, IL: this is zeke. fuzzmuffin!

<b>illinois:</b> sleep in, get breakfast with highschool friend - a threateningly large omelette, a zany gay waiter. call friend for coffeehouse recommendations, get intersections rather than addresses, no wireless at the only one i can find. have pornographic textversation while driving aimlessly up and down clark st, manage not to crash car. eventually give up on coffeehouse and settle for reading at a beer garden. drive to 'burb for dinner with another highschool friend and her husband, have way too much fun; also, there are cats! start overnight drive to minneapolis.

<b>wisconsin:</b> "ABS: our bullpen is full of studs." this state *also* smells funny (and goes on forever) - manure and crops most likely. get caught in a serious and significant downpour, which is kind of fun; visibility is so bad i watch the gps to see where i'm going. lots of highly caffeinated soda. occasional lightning provides silhouette views of the treeline.

<b>minnesota:</b> <i>"and i lied when i said / i don't want your sympathy"</i> - still the perfect song for speeding down I-94 over the st. croix (though i think last time i was going the opposite direction). sky lightening; sleep *so* close. dark trees, pale skies, clouds beginning to show, fog spilling out from the hills across the road, radio antennae blinking in the distance - i guess this place is kind of pretty. unload car, eat yogurt, drop dead in that-which-was-my-room / that-which-is-my-mom's-office, under the watchful eyes of a dozen pictures of josh groban. no, really.

Posted by G lib on 2008-08-14 12:37:02 +0000
It's Lila's long lost brother!

He says:
"Look at me! Kitty in a bowl! Aren't I cute! Look at me!!!!"

Posted by tgl on 2008-08-15 01:58:32 +0000
<img src="http://www.itn.is/~astriki/myndir/JoshGroban.jpg">

Posted by loxocele on 2008-08-15 15:45:12 +0000

i'll be sure to pass that on to my mom - though she probably already has it somewhere on her harddrive.

weird thing is, josh groban is a dead ringer for the kid i dated my entire jr year of highschool....

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