Cold Lampin'
The city of Boston is now making it an offense to cold lamp if you are a "suspected gang member" (I heard this on NPR this morning, and no, they didn't say the word 'cold lamp.' I think they called it loitering )
We should all just turn ourselves in right now.
This is the Drunk Dialin' forum, which is different than just Cold Lampin', although the two aren't mutually exclusive.
Which means, of course, that the cops are going to roll up on me once I find that '617' hat I've been looking for.
All of us agree that every kid should have a safe, violence-free place to learn and play whenever they want to (or really, their parents say they can.)
However, all of those 'community involvement' programs cost money, and in the neighborhoods where the violence is stepping up, the communities are already overstrapped. Neighbors just don't have the time or money or resources to make programs happen.
What's an extra trillion to Bill Gates when that money could be way better spent giving kids on the street something else to do than cold lamp? Or kids released from jail something better to do than sell drugs (which got them into jail in the first place)?
I think we're all concerned with the ability to curb gang violence by detected purported gang members by their loitering predilections. Smells like racial profiling.
If people are judging others because of the color of their skin, that is bad, but slinging around buzz words like racial profiling doesn't do anything to solvethe actual problems we are talking about here: I feel it just perpetuates animosity between the kids and the cops....
There is nothing illegal about being prejudiced, or even racist. I'm certain I'm prejudiced. It's when people act on their prejudices that it's a problem. If you're not aware you're prejudiced how can you consciously make an effort not to be?
How? Ask them. Call the Maryland police department and ask for their profiling sheet. It will contain race information, state liscene plates, and car/truck types, colors and trim packages, that lead to a better percenatge of arrests.
Do people not realize many (most?) states do this?
these big liberal ideas wont help foster better racial relationships: people behaving responsibly and rationally on their own accord might.