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Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-08-27 17:12:11 +0000

Boycott Expedia, please

For those about to travel: boycott Expedia, please. We had to file an affadavit because these jerks won't refund our money for an itinerary that we had to cancel because the crappy flights they got us kept changing and/or cancelled. After a call to the call center, "Scott" from Manila assured us they would refund the money in 5-10 business days. It's been over a month. Also, friends of the Donovans flights were also fucked because Expedia inexplicably put MARK down on the guy's ticket when his name is JOHN. They claimed it was his fault. Hey "Scott" from Manila: why would this guy give you the wrong name? Final insult? Expedia wanted £1000 to fix it. These friends are also issuing an affadavit and taking them to court. Now, I just found out our photographer's flight is dodgy as well (thanks Expedia!) ... so please. Go elsewhere when booking flights, please. While I'm here: I know we have to outsource call centers to foreign countries. And I know these poor people are reading from scripts. But seriously. "Scott" from Manila? I had some guy on the phone who sounded exactly like Apu Nahasapeemapetilon and he claimed his name was "Eric." What the fuck is up with that?

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-08-27 17:21:22 +0000
That rots. Hope you guys get your money back. I'll join you in your boycott. In my dealings with Citicards, I've dealt with "Chad", who was clearly not from any region where you'd have that name. Crock-o-shit.

Posted by abber on 2008-08-27 22:32:07 +0000
i got fucked by expedia once. have you read the world is flat?

Posted by MF DU on 2008-08-28 01:21:38 +0000
Sorry to hear it, MC. Outsourced call centers add an extra dimension of hell to the whole thing you didn't need.

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