vegetarian restaurants
So, you'd think I'd know this by now but I don't really know any good vegetarian restaurants or many restaurants that have good vege food. Does anyone have any good ideas? (apart from Indian restaurants which I like but don't fancy this weekend)
Buddha's Delight. (Chinese) (mrs. chippy disliked it last time we went...)
Also, if you can afford it, the vegetarian tasting menu at <a href="">Oleana</a> is probably the best meal I've ever had. In my life. When the two of us both ordered it, the waiter went and arranged for my 5 vegetarian courses to be different from mrs. chippy's 5 vegetarian courses, so we could taste each other's dishes and thus experience ten different vegetarian courses at one meal. Only a bite or two of each, of course, but we didn't even make it through the first eight. The waiter unilaterally decided that he should wrap up our last two to take home with us. (No, NOT because they had other people waiting for our table!) He was right.
Gargoyles consistently has a good-to-great veg plate. I'm biased, granted, but it was always tasty.
Buddha's Delight's food all kinda tastes the same, but i think it tastes good once every six months or so.
Not a restaurant at all, but I made <a href =""> seitan </a> last weekend and it came out way better than I expected.
Hmm, one entree.
Basically, anyplace charging more than $25 for an entree... it'll be good. You just don't get a choice.
One of the top 5 meals I've had this calender year, and about half the menu is veg. There's always a seafood option and sometimes a chicken dish, but the emphasis seemed to be veg. Decent wine list.
Do you do Mexican?
Oleana is the tits.
Also, given a few days' notice, may I boldly suggest Chez Pamsterdam? :o)
Edited to add: I just Googled 'vegan' and 'Cambridge' on a hunch, and found Asmara near Central Square, which does Eritrean (similar to Ethiopian) food, including veggie/vegan options. I had Ethiopian food a few weeks ago in the 'dam, and it was just phenomenal. It involves eating with your hands, though, and somehow I can't really picture MC going for that... :o)
May I also recommend a weekly dinner group that meets on Wednesdays?
Tofu croutons! What more do you want?
<i>I started to send out a bunch of pm's, but decided a thread would be easier and inform more people who i don't know. Every other month, Veggie Planet hosts a special four course vegan feast. As the new head chef, my first dinner will be October 6th.</i>
The menu for the evening is:
Fennel tarte tatin
Watercress salad with tart apple dressing and candied pumpkin seeds
Seitan carbonnade
Plum cobbler with ginger sorbet
Served with Pear and star anise soda
<i>If you are interested in coming, it runs a little steep at $25. You can reserve seats by emailing adam [at] Please mention in your reservations if you have any dietary needs/allergies/intolerances such has nut allergies or no gluten and special dishes can be prepared. The dinners usually fill up a week in advance.</i>
It's raw food, so it will upset your stomach if you're not used to it.