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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2004-09-22 20:57:41 +0000

tonsorial autodidact

self-taught barber....

I can use the dictionary!

I'm completely enthralled in the mystery of t.a.'s identity. Who was talking about wanting to be a barber recently?

Posted by on 2004-09-23 03:08:21 +0000
"Who's the barber here, anyway?"

Obviously a big Steve Martin fan, whoever it is.

Posted by on 2004-09-23 03:15:54 +0000
Jackie's uncle is a barber. I got a cut from him this summer in Grove City Ohio. The sign outside his shop reads "Leroy The Tonsor"

Posted by on 2004-09-23 03:23:54 +0000
Fessin' up, Rich?

Posted by on 2004-09-23 12:30:35 +0000
No, I'm actually envious of the moniker... I cant seem to find a creative handle ever.....

Posted by on 2004-09-24 04:25:47 +0000
"Me and Leroy the Tonsor making completely homemade fries: home grown potatos, 300 deg hot oil, and a little bit of instruction from Leroy....

Posted by on 2004-09-24 14:01:34 +0000
Nothing like frying.

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