A cry for help!
hola amigo's, sorry its been a long time since i rapped at ya.
So the deadline to get my boat in the water is the 17th Oct, and there is still LOTS of work to be done. There is no way i can get it all done myself so I am issuing a cry for help. If anyone could spare a few hours here and there to lend a hand i would be eternally gratefull. There is mostly sanding, painting, varnishing type stuff to do. I cant afford to pay anyone but I will get you intoxicated on your drug of choice (as long as that choice is High Life or herb) and the Salvadorean place across the road from the shipyard is pretty tasty. Plus you will be earning cruising points for next summers sailing adventures.
I will be there every evening this week + the weekend and possibly a few full midweek days so please call me if you can come down.
good luck....