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Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-09-24 20:57:22 +0000

Dear (insert title here)......

Posted by tgl on 2008-09-26 12:45:00 +0000
Even more surprising/illuminating than the fake letters, is that we're outsourcing our political campaigns, too. --- This reminds me, every time I read a Globe letter writer complain about: A) bias of the Op/Ed page B) greater number of pro-Obama/anti-McCain/anti-Palin letters People realize the Op/Ed page is not news. Right? They should read the other 15-20 pages first... then the Op/Ed. The Globe/NYTimes/WSJ/etc. do a fine job of reporting the news straight and anything that ventures into opinion is pretty well demarcated. Maybe there are just that many more pro-Obama letter writers! It's Massachusetts for godsakes... should they reprint the one pro-McCain letter 5 times so the letters page will be "fair and balanced"? Rant out...

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-09-26 16:26:10 +0000
Nope... they shouldn't run the same letter five times. But, if it's a good Op/Ed editor (overseer?) doing their job, they'd make sure to have at least a little balance on the page. Certainly there's enough wire editorials representing both parties.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2008-09-26 17:08:29 +0000
Let us not confuse balance with objectivity.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-09-26 17:18:40 +0000
I can't remember the study, but it is repeated on Wikipedia (so it must be true)that if you were to take away all the editorial content from WSJ, it actually slightly tips towards the left.

Posted by tgl on 2008-09-26 17:45:06 +0000
A good Op/Ed editor reflects the views of the publisher and parent company. Or chooses the mix that maximizes sales. Op/Ed is opinion and not journalism. Balanced also implies two sides, which isn't always the case.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2008-09-26 17:46:57 +0000
It's odd how often I hear Republicans claim that almost all news outlets have liberal leanings, as if the reporting of facts has a bias. Stating that Democratic Rep. Barney Frank paid for gay sex does not make a newspaper lean to the right. Stating that Republican Sen. Ted Stevens is being tried for corruption charges does not make a paper lean left.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-09-26 17:57:34 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2008-09-26 18:32:35 +0000
I'm starting the most objective newspaper ever. The editor's name is Kimbo Slice.

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