End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday September 25 2008 8:00-10:00pm
End of Radio - Thursday, 2008-09-25, 08:00:00-10:00:00
* denotes a request, # denotes a new release
Time Played - Artist - Song Title - Album Title - Label
20:03:34 - Dark Meat - Angel Of Meth - Universal Indians - Vice
20:10:33 - Minutemen - Party With Me Punker - The Politics Of Time - SST
20:11:17 - The Feelies - Slipping Into Something - The Good Earth - Twin/Tone
#20:16:19 - TV On The Radio - Halfway Home - Dear Science - DGC / Interscope
20:23:09 - Albert Ayler - New Ghosts - New Grass - Impulse!
20:33:13 - Jandek - Naked In The Afternoon - Ready For The House - Corwood
#20:34:13 - Jamie Saft / Bobby Previte - The Forbidden Border - Doom Jazz - Veal
20:47:21 - Red Sparrowes - a message of avarice rained down and carried us away into false dreams of endless riches. - Every red Heart Shines Toward The Red Sun - Neurot
20:52:36 - ISIS - Firdous E Bareen - In The Absence Of Truth - Ipecac
#20:59:20 - Wire (with Page Hamilton) - All Fours - Object 47 - Pink Flag
#21:06:44 - Deerhunter - Agoraphobia - Microcastle - Kranky
#21:13:10 - Calexico - Two Silver Trees - Carried To Dust - 1/4 Stick
21:15:49 - Opotopo (Easy Kabaka Brown) - Belema - Nigeria Special: Modern Highlife, Afro-Sounds & Nigerian Blues 1970- - Sound Way
21:24:40 - Mulatu Astatke - Yekitir Tezeta - Mulatu Astatke - Sound Way
21:35:17 - Eddie Ray - You're Mine - Eccentric Soul: the Prix Label - Numero Group
#21:35:58 - The New Year - X Off Days - s/t - Touch and Go
21:42:07 - Public Enemy / MF Doom - Hazy Shade Of Criminal - Special Blends Vol2. -
21:43:55 - Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy - The Cold Vein - Def Jux
21:46:58 - Melt Banana - Monkey Man - Melt Banana / Big D and The Kids Table split 7" - Fork In Hand
21:47:36 - Black Flag - I'm the One - Who's Got The 10 1/2? - SST
Works for me.
Just kidding. It is still really textural, but there is one song (probably "the single" if you will) that seems songwriting-wise to be stronger than some of their past output. Lemme get back to you on that one.
The funk angle they have added on this 'Dear Science' record is really cool.
The lyrics are just creepy: One song goes on about drowning the butterflies in one's head. that and the death and dread I was mentioning earlier.
As my recent activities (besides parenting of course!) have consisted of listening a lot to this, reading DFW short stories and watching the market news like a hawk. Kinda makes it hard to have a pollyanna-ish outlook about things. Oh Well.